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How to Handle Utilities When Making a Local Move

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April 8, 2024

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Moving in Minnesota

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Moving to a new home is an exciting chapter in anyone’s life, but it comes with its fair share of tasks and responsibilities, notably the need to update your utilities. Handling utilities—electricity, gas, and internet—is a critical step in the moving process that ensures your new home is set up for comfort and functionality from day one. Minnē Movers, a leading moving service in Minnesota, is here to guide you through this process, ensuring your move is as smooth and stress-free as possible. Learn more about our comprehensive services that cover everything from packing to safe moving on our About Us page.

Planning Your Utility Update

The key to managing your utilities effectively is to start the process early. Ideally, you should begin planning the update of your utilities at least two weeks to a month before your scheduled move. Creating a detailed checklist of all the utilities you need to update can help you stay organized and ensure you don’t miss any critical steps.

Identifying Your New Utility Providers

When moving locally within Minnesota, you may find that your utility providers for services such as electricity, gas, and internet will change depending on your new location. Identifying these providers early on is crucial. You can start by checking the official websites of local governments or utility companies for information on the services available in your area. Minnē Movers, with our extensive knowledge of the Minnesota and North Dakota regions, can also provide assistance. Visit our Service Areas page for more information on how we can help.

Scheduling Disconnections and Reconnections

Timing is everything when it comes to utility disconnections and reconnections. To avoid being charged for utilities at your old home while you’ve already moved out, coordinate with your utility providers to disconnect services the day after your move. Similarly, ensure that all utilities are set to be reconnected at your new home the day before you move in. This foresight will prevent any inconveniences such as being without electricity or internet when you arrive at your new home.

Preparing Necessary Documentation

When setting up new utility services or transferring existing ones, you will likely need to provide various forms of documentation. These can include a valid ID, proof of residence, or even a Social Security number. Prepare these documents in advance to expedite the setup process with your new utility providers.

Special Considerations for Specific Utilities

When updating utilities, each type of service has its nuances. Here’s how to navigate the specifics for power, gas, and internet providers:

Power Company

Electricity is a critical utility that needs to be active from the moment you step into your new home. To transfer or set up new electrical service:

  • Find Your New Provider: If moving within the same utility company's coverage area, you might simply need to transfer services. Otherwise, identify the new company serving your area.
  • Schedule the Transfer or Setup: Contact the provider at least two weeks in advance. Provide your new address, move-in date, and, if necessary, preferred billing details.

Gas Company

Natural gas services require similar steps to electricity:

  • Identify the Provider: In some regions, the gas and electric services may be provided by the same company, streamlining the process.
  • Transfer or Initiate Service: Reach out to the gas company with your move details. Ensure gas service is scheduled to start a day before your arrival, avoiding any delays in heating or cooking capabilities.

Internet Provider

Given the essential role of the internet in today’s world, setting up your connection is a high priority:

  • Check for Service Availability: Research internet service providers (ISPs) in your new area. Availability can vary greatly, especially if you’re moving to a more rural area.
  • Schedule Installation: Internet setup may require an in-home installation, especially if you’re moving to a newly built home or if the previous tenant used a different ISP. Book this as soon as possible, as technician schedules can be booked weeks out.

By attending to these details well in advance of your move, you ensure that your transition to your new home is as seamless and comfortable as possible.

How Minnē Movers Can Assist

Beyond the physical moving of your belongings, Minnē Movers provides a variety of services designed to make your local move within Minnesota stress-free and efficient. Here’s how we can help:

  • Packing Services: Our Packing Services ensure that all your belongings, from the fragile to the bulky, are securely packed, labeled, and organized, making unpacking in your new home much easier.
  • Specialty Moving: For items that require special care, such as pianos, art, or safes, our Specialty Moving services offer the expertise needed to transport these items safely.
  • Full Service White Glove Moving: For those looking for a completely hands-off move, our Full Service White Glove Moving includes packing, moving, unpacking, and even arranging furniture in your new home to your specifications.

Moving to a new home is a significant milestone, often accompanied by the excitement of starting fresh in a new space. However, the logistics of moving, particularly the aspect of updating utilities, can be daunting. This guide has aimed to simplify the process, providing a structured approach to ensuring that your electricity, gas, and internet services are set up seamlessly in your new Minnesota home.

Planning Ahead is crucial. By starting the process early, creating a checklist, and methodically addressing each utility, you can avoid the common pitfalls and stresses associated with moving. Identifying Your New Utility Providers well in advance, Scheduling Disconnections and Reconnections appropriately, and Preparing Necessary Documentation are all steps that contribute to a smooth transition.

Minnē Movers stands ready to assist with more than just the heavy lifting. Our range of services, from Packing to Specialty Moving, and our Full Service White Glove Moving option, are all designed to ease the burden of moving. By entrusting the logistics of your move to us, you free up valuable time and energy to focus on settling into your new home and community.

As you embark on this exciting journey to your new home, remember that preparation and partnership with the right moving company can transform a potentially stressful experience into a smooth and enjoyable transition. Whether it's handling delicate heirlooms or ensuring that your internet is fast and reliable from day one, Minnē Movers is your partner in making your new house feel like home immediately.

For more details on how we can assist with your next move, visit our website and explore our services. Together, we can ensure that your move is as efficient and stress-free as possible